The life of the people is miserable. There are no hospitals nearby, many have caught colds and fever.
They need to go 5km to reach a small town. There are no hospitals nearby. they need to go 4 km to reach a small clinic, that too by offroad. Food and medicine is their requirement now, People are sick because of fever, cold, etc. The medicine should only be given after consulting a doctor. freshwater is available near the colony from natural sources. There are a lot of children in the colony, as it is Onam vacation they had no school. some kids were watching tv at home.there were no orphans at home. The colony and premises were pretty clean. the houses were clean. No mosquitoes. No pollution.
Electricity fails only during heavy rain. But that's nothing out of the ordinary in India.
Every house was having electricity. During heavy rains, they had no power at home, As the rain stopped there are no power issues. We spoke to the people in the colony for some time and got to know that they are not going for any work for 2 months and they had no money to buy food, it was very helpful for all of them that we gave kits. As soon as the rain stopped, we left for home.